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  1. Glory!!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $155,000.00 every month God has kept to his words, my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place. God bless America.

  2. How in the universe is that foul charged to Yapi even a YELLOW card, much less a red?!?! That is quite literally the worst red card decision I've EVER seen, and I've seen some dubious red card decisions over the years — but this one takes the grand prize for the all-time worst decision ever.

  3. Colorado's first goal was easy, should have been stopped. Crepeau's reaction time is way too slow. 4:36, He just watches the ball instead of jumping on it. There's a reason he's a journeyman.

  4. I have a feeling mls skipped the yapi card replay because the decision was embarrassing, you could maybe argue for a yellow on that but even that’s pushing it, those little shoves go on all game and no one jumps up and does a flip when they actually get hit, i don’t even like the rapids but god that was a garbage call

  5. okay, commentator sux and the audio from the ref is a waste of time. so pointless. we know the game. just make the call… and signal. dang.

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