🚀 メジャーリーグには背が低すぎると感じていますか?もう一度考え直してください!🧤❤️ 身長をスーパーパワーに変えた伝説のゴールキーパー3人をご覧ください!🌟 イケル・カシージャス – 比類ない敏捷性!ヤン・ゾマー – 精密さの達人!ギジェルモ・オチョア – 限界を超えた反射神経!🎯 身長に邪魔されないでください。最高の選手から学んでゲームを改善しましょう。


  1. Note: all of them are 6 foot and above.
    One of the GK i was inspired is Jorge campos he was 5,7 and is considered one of the greats.

    I am 5.10 i believe that height is just a bonus for a goalkeeper.

  2. David Raya is also a good one to study because he’s 6ft and hes a modern goalkeeper in todays game good with his feet distribution and he’s a really good shot stopper as well Iker Casillas is my inspiration tho I don’t think there will ever be a greater shorter goalkeeper than him!!!

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