ACミランのユヌス・ムサへのPerspectivesインタビュー全文を今すぐチャンネルでご覧ください! #ブカヨサポート #スポーツにおける人種差別 #回復力 #サッカーコミュニティ #アスリートの旅 #逆境の克服 #多様性の団結 #サッカースター #精神力 #エンパワーメント


  1. I think about this a lot. First of all, no surprise his friends are as smart and well put together as he is.

    Second, I’m an Arsenap fan and see a lot of Nigerians online saying he’s a traitor etc and saying racist things about Bukayo. I think because of this, it makes him understand that you can get racism from all angles and he can see it for what it is more than most people.

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