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  1. They've got the best back four in the premier League there's no doubt about that, the way they operate, the way they work, the way they are protected it's amazing i love this team❤

  2. Timber is such a gem of a player. Never seem frazzled defends with so much composure… I seen his face in one of those 1 v 1 with johnson looked so relaxed like he's playing in fhe park with some friends. No panic whatsoever smh

  3. Jurren Timber, (JT to his mates), is fast becoming an Arsenal legend already. Gem of a player, calm, composed, intelligent, tenacious and exquisite on and off the ball. Imo, he's t best Left-back in the league and world football at the moment.

  4. Arsenal has built the strongest defense in the world today I think, now they need an attacker to race against Halland, I think Gyokeres was the right one but they didn't want to pay

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