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  1. So Ben wanted him to trash talk azim and it failed he ranted about everyone else except azim. When azim said stop about the coach etc he did and ranted more about everything else. O hara acts the fool BUT he was honest and what he said made sense

  2. O'hara is pissed, he feels disrespected that his big money fight is against a mate!! Well that bell goes they have to hate on each other to get that knock out.

  3. Love Ohara! Such a Honest person, even to his own detrement at times! But thats why we LOVE him. Also.. Love Adam. Such a young gentlemen, well spoken but also Very good future in boxing.

  4. From the streets: Full respect to O’Hara for speaking it like it is and for keeping his friendship real with Azim. He didn’t let it be an entertainment for the circus media or allow mockery of the situation. Nice one O’Hara – respect to you.

  5. Ohara davies is a dreadful boxer . He might as well just give up because he is going to get beat up and ive only seen azim fight once . I dont need to know much about azim to know he is going to whoop Ohara's arse

  6. He shut everyone down trying to create some kind of beef between him and Adam's team!! Good for him not playing the clown / puppet of the media and Ben!!!

  7. The guy to watch from the UK is Hamzah Sheeraz, there are no others out there presently from the UK, that stand much of a chance on the world scene.
    Sorry but Adam Azim, is good probably for where he is, but there is nothing that says anything near world level, just too many good fighters across the pond.

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