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  1. Yes, by the book the PK should be retaken. Idk a single ref that would in this situation. It would add more confusion and we would see you commenting as "why even call this? The ball is in the net!"

  2. I think Unkel needs to be aware of where he's moving to, just as the players do. If a players running right towards where unkel wants to go, I believe the player should have the right to that space as the ref can't touch the ball anyway.

    No in hindsight the goal probably should stand as Fernandez seemed to be late getting to the play anyway but if he was closer that's where what I said above should be considered.

  3. I don't think the yellow on Robinson (CIN-MTL match) can technically be for SPA. From the "Advantage" section in Law 12: "if the offence was interfering with or stopping a promising attack, the player is not cautioned." So it must have been deemed reckless (as the referee allowed Advantage to be played.

  4. Why would you give any benefit of the doubt to Unkle, who earlier in NYCFC v Columbus match didn’t call a handball that you yourself said should have been a PK?

  5. I disagree with you on the handball in the NYCFC game. We can’t be giving penalties for things like that simply because humans have arms. Stand up for a minute and start twisting your body around in different positions. You’ll find that you use your arms a lot to get fast and controlled momentum. The defender in that instance is trying to twist and bend down to chest or head the ball. Having now tried that movement a few times here at home, I find that my arm is extended and about 30 to 45 degrees from my side. Whether it had been called a penalty on the field or not, I completely disagree with it being sent to VAR. It wasn’t clear and obvious

  6. What the flying F?!
    Why aren't we addressing PDX kicking Sea goalie in the head causing ten stitches and no card?!
    Prove that wasn't endangerment of a player

  7. What Wiebe is pointing out is there are several really good MLS actors. Forget the silly Supporters Shield, there should be a "Golden Dive" trophy given out every season end to "Best Actor in the MLS". Supporters Shield means your team had a very good year, it's not the same as winning the championship Cup.

  8. First of all, Ted Unkel sucks. It seems there have been a lot of lazy defensive turnovers this season. The NYCFC player's arm is moving away from his body and clearly made him bigger. Handball. And the contact on Hernandez was just as obvious as the contact on Mihailovic but there should have had a better camera angle. I learned something today. I did not realize the circle was considered encroachment. I thought you had to be in the box itself. And lastly, Ted Unkel sucks.

  9. Holy Cow @6:10 read the handy dandy graphic. The PK is retaken if there is an impact to the play. There is no impact so there is no retake.

  10. On the Dallas / Colorado PK dealio, the penalty kick itself did not result in a goal, and neither 'encroacher' had any impact on that result. The follow up play did result in a goal, but this was sometime after the penalty was taken.
    I think the refs were correct.

  11. Second play was a total dive……yes, there is a momentary shirt grab but @2:00 and @2:04 Kelseyijust stops running and collapses – watch his left leg move forward and then just "takes a knee" when he realizes how heavy the touch is and that the goalkeeper might get there first………It is a penalty b/c a clear hold but no more than a yellow for the reasons given.

  12. 1:00 , 1:59 Andrew admonishes one player for embellishment, but not the other. They absolutely both embellished and by the book those are both fouls, but to call one of them out and even say he probably could have run through the contact but not the other seems inconsistent.

  13. Wiebe, regarding the Robinson yellow: it had to be reckless because freeman played advantage. Advantage on spa downgrades to no cards. So freeman probably fell for the acting as a hit to the face. Of potentially he deemed it lacking respect for the game I guess, the generic unsporting behavior caution which you can pretty much give for anything even if you play advantage (usually given to cynical holding or stuff way off the ball that’s not “part of the game”)

  14. on the last Columbus goal theres no way you can get mad at Unkle for that. He is in a really good position for the cross which gets block and does what ever other ref would to when the ball is coming right at you, get out of the way and it happened to be in the way of the player. If anyone had bad positioning here it was the nyc player

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