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  1. Havertz – great run. He actually starts near J Timber as he’d tracked back, and starts speeding up once he sees the wide gap between the CBs, before Saka’s pass

  2. Get behind Kai! A striker means you are ditching Kai. He will get 20+ , already on 2 from 3. What a finish by Havertz. Quality lob over the goalkeeper. Clever pass by Saka

  3. I believe arteta knows exactly what he is doing sticking with Kai as our striker and not making any move in the market to get another striker . Look at the run he made from midfield to latch onto that pass from Saka and that finish was a striker instinct goal… 2 out of 3 already well-done

  4. can we give him number 14 please.. he deserve it.. and he is thousand times better than Nketiah.. he still young and very talented.. he can wear as long as Theo Walcott..

  5. Kai Havertz positioning is World Class.. he knows where to run and when to run.. when Merino is fit, then we gonna see Odegaard feed him with thousand of assist

  6. We held solid draw with 10.
    Remember the points Liverpool and City lost last season was when they were down.
    It’s only a matter of time before other teams will lose or draw down a man. Respect these gunners ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍

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