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  1. His technique is good. His physical strength, speed and dribbling are very good. His long range shots are bad, his close range shots are average. The tricks he uses to defeat his opponent are always the same. Therefore, as the opposing defenders get to know him, things will become difficult for him in the future. We have been seeing this type of players frequently lately, as football surrenders to athletics. They stand out with their athleticism rather than their talents. He may be a top player in today's football, but I don't think he is a real superstar. Football has already lost its taste because of these types of players who are multiplying like mushrooms. They look more like athletes running the 100 meter dash than football players. We really miss stars like Maradona, Zidane, Ronaldinho.

  2. En le Barça haría tranquilamente 15 goles mínimo por temporada, eso ayudaría mucho ya que ahora mismo nadie hace nada por esa banda.

  3. The boy is a very serious player, not the yamal they have been praising…. Yamal is good but not there yet… Still developing and has a long way to go to become a world class player… But the way Barca fans are going, they may end him before he starts.

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