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  1. PSR options;
    Ignoring it and taking points deduction
    Murillo or similar to be sold in next 5 days
    Reports of losses so far are incorrect.
    3rd option very unlikely, neither of first 2 are good but second better than first in my opinion.

  2. The farce of PSR is that, come June 30th, we will have to take what we can get for Murillo or CHO – and that will be a figure that is BELOW their true market value – how does that make our club 'sustainable' – getting LESS money than we could a week later (literally !). Total joke – ill-thought through – though a great way of keeping the 'Big 6' Cartel going, eh !?!?

  3. Dont this signing come under academy player as just turn 18 bet there a lope hole where he play so many in pl2 and so many with us to come under that psr as it dont count towards psr

  4. The hysteria from fans of all clubs who have fallen for the pressure tactic "Club X MUST SELL BY JUNE 30th" is what the league and the press wanted.

    The copy-and-paste article strangely misses out on the 'big 6' and has appeared across all papers and sports media. It had the desired effect amongst fans, but the article does not explicitly say 'must sell' but rather 'might have to'. It seems the league is trying to force clubs to make sales that are not sensible.

    It should be noted that despite the window being open for nearly two weeks, there has been little business. Several factors are indicating that business is slow, and the majority of windows won't open until 1/7/24 due to the Euros being another factor. The shocking youth switches show that the Premier League was blindsided and reacted as expected, getting their group of journalists to write thinly veiled threats to clubs to "respect the league" or else.

  5. If h can handle playing against Brazil comfortably he surely deserves a shot with the first team otherwise what's the point of buying young players? Just look at Murillo.

  6. Got to keep pushing that Murillo sale talk haven't we? I swear some people will be gutted if we don't sell him just to prove a point

  7. so basically he'll be out on loan before you know it , another poits deduction coming no one wants to sign forest players because they are shit

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