物議を醸した瞬間 ベルギー 0-1 スロバキア EURO 2024


  1. The goal should have been allowed. Firstly, this is because it was un-intentional, Openda was trying to beat the defender and he couldn't do anything about his arm as he was too focused on winning the ball. Secondly after the ball touched Openda’s hand and bounced back to the ground, the defender was still able to tackle Openda, but Openda got past the defender fair and square, therefore the hand ball had no effect on the play. Simply, Belgium were completely robbed.

  2. No, hand was natural for his balance, the players didnt even notice it at first, sad they had to ultra slow mo and some uh tech to disallow a goal… this ruining football

  3. Complete rubbish. No HB.
    Look closely. He was watching to his left when his hand touched the ball.
    Impossible to do that blindly on purpose!

  4. But the handball of the Slovakian defender before the goal was 100% intentional. He even dropped himself to the ground to do that handball movement.
    Extremely bad referee.

  5. First of all those who are saying its right to say handsball maybe first start analizing the whole situation after that go analiee the match multiple bad stuff from slovakia a tackle wich needed tl get a yellow card was not given but it was given to belgium for a less bad tackle then a handsball from slovakia inside the penalty zone wich should have resulted into a penalty for belgium but this apparently all doesnt matter. The handball from slovakia was OBVIOUS, VISIBLE, INTENTIONAL if this is not supposed to be a penalty then maybe its best to just let all players use their hands without punishments by the looks of that match i came to the conclusion that the ref 1st is not supposed to be reffereeing in such important matches he can go to the amateurs and second he was Biased just a horrible refferee whom i hope we will never see again in any of the following matches

  6. Its like Hendry handball against ireland god bless now is var system so is much harder to push biger footballl countried like france belgium, argentina,germany, etc.

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