

  1. The media and this “coming home” crap 😂 rattling on about since before sperm was invented is absolutely hilarious 😂🤣😂
    England stole the sport in the first place then claimed it as their own 😂
    The english media has brilliantly ruined football for so many generations of the english 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    Keep it up!!

  2. English football fans, absolutely determined to be reunited with an ex-girlfriend who they were never going out with anyway. And then wonder why they get disappointed.

  3. The English are so desperate to win something that even the journalists get confused….the only thing that is coming home is already there in their millions….

  4. We won in 66. We always do well in the Olympics. The world plays sports we invented and speaks our language. Europeans are so jealous with their snide comments and so boring 😂😂😂

  5. I’d say the problem is not so much about England squad or Southgate, it’s the English media and the spoiled English fans who created this deluded narrative that England is supposed to steam roll every “small” team.

    This is a European tournament, there are no small teams. Respect your opponents, there will always be room for improvements. You’ve won the first game, drew the second. Now you live to fight another day! No need to panic every time games don’t go your way!

  6. I thought it was the fact football is an English game so for them to be the best team in the world means its come home.. "footballs coming home" not "world cups coming home" or "europen trophy coming home"

  7. We don’t sing it out of a deluded sense of belief, we sing it as a form of self deprecation and mockery.. and a tiny splash of optimism.

    I think a lot of nations don’t understand this about English fans.

  8. England are shite! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Individual superstars that can't play as a team.

    Rather have a team of nobody's running their hearts out than a team of imposters prance around the pitch like they've already won and don't need to work hard to win

    No guts, no glory.

    They don't have the minerals

  9. Showing he is thick as shit especially considering he has played in England he knows just fine that we won the world cup in 1966

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