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  1. COYG I love this team and I’m so proud no matter what happens on Sunday. BUT I WANT TO WIN ❤⚪️❤️⚪️❤️⚪️

  2. North London Forever
    Whatever the weather, these streets are our own.

    And my heart will leave you never, my blood will forever run through the stone ❤

  3. I'm proud of all you guys… whatever the outcome of today… I'm an unflinching Arsenal fan for life…❤😂🎉😊

  4. City robbed us

  5. Seeing all of these gooners makes me grateful 🥲🥲🥲 I don't care about we lost the title, think about how we've performed in the last 2 seasons compared to when Wenger left, trust the process🎉🎉🎉 I love this team, COYG!!!❤❤❤❤

  6. It's coming.. Mikel and the boys have done us proud. Return refreshed and hungry. Winning mindset. We need a big start and no silly drop points at home. Emirates should become a fortress.

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